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CONTACT_FLOW_DISCONNECT: Call was disconnected in a flow as described on this page [1]. The contact flow was configured in such a way that the call was terminated upon satisfying the conditions of the block.This implies that the call was most likely routed through the contact flow rather than queued for an agent and the call was disconnected within the Contact Flow. As the Caller also did not disconnect the call, and path continued to route to the "Disconnect / hang up“ block.In this case, the "contact flow disconnect" would be the disconnect reason in the (CTR).
The best approach to understand how the flow arrived at a "disconnect/hang up" block is to examine the contact flow logs. The contact flow logs can help trace the whole course taken by a contact.To review your contact flow logs from CloudWatch for the specific contactIDs. You can use the below query:
fields @timestamp, @message | filter ContactId = “d5797b4c-04f9-4686-b89e-c38d2a180593” | sort @timestamp asc
To run this, you can open CloudWatch console > Insights (from the side tab) > Select the log group of your Connect instance from the drop down. Change the time interval from the top right corner to match the time of the call (by default it is set to 1 hour, so only the logs from past 1 hour will be searched). Once you run query, you will be able to see the logs corresponding to the ContactID.
[1] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/connect/latest/adminguide/ctr-data-model.html#ctr-ContactTraceRecord [2] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/connect/latest/adminguide/contact-flow-logs.html
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