Unknown Unicast traffic forwarding support within a subnet


Does unknown unicast traffic forwarding support within a subnet?

As part of Gigamon visibility, we do packet broking. One of our customer wanted to sent the packets directly to the tools VM without any tunnel mechanism. Hence, we need to support unknown unicast flooding support within a subnet. Is this supported in AWS Subnet.

asked a year ago247 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

In general, AWS does not support unknown unicast flooding within its virtual private cloud (VPC) environment, which is the default network environment for most AWS deployments. Instead, AWS uses a variety of mechanisms to manage network traffic and improve network performance, including virtual private networks (VPNs), peering connections, and direct connect services.

If your customer requires support for unknown unicast flooding within their AWS subnet, it may be necessary to work with AWS support or a network specialist to design a custom solution that meets their specific requirements

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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