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AD Connector DNS not in AD


I am looking at getting an AD connector setup to be able to login to workspace with AD credentials, as well as all of the governance around the system.
The DNS servers that we have are appliances, not integrated into Active Directory.
As such the DNS service does not run on the domain controllers.
Could I point to the appliance that is running DNS to get domain resolution, it will then also connect to one of the 10 DC's that I have.


Edited by: Mattridd on Jul 6, 2020 5:48 AM

asked 4 years ago509 views
1 Answer

Yes, that will work. The DNS servers do not need to be domain controllers. They just need to be able to resolve all of the domain's DNS records. This doc lists a couple of the DNS records that are used by the AD Connector dc locator process.

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answered 4 years ago

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