Using same authentication with cognito and amazon connect in a app-web



I have an app web that requires authentication with cognito and I want to login in the custom ccp from Amazon Connect simultaneously. I don't want the user to login twice. Is it possible to use some jwt token or something with the connect streams for it?

I'm interested in hearing any other approach to the problem that works. (Without cognito...idk)

Thanks !

1 Answer

I believe by Amazon Connect Custom CCP you mean this. If that be the case, you can use "Post authentication Lambda trigger" to then authenticate with Custom CCP. The UI code there can also be modified a bit to authenticate with the same Cognito instance using the same creds.

answered 2 years ago
  • How can I login from lambda (backend) into a web application (front end)? There is some type of authentication token? In the sample app that you have provided the login into Amazon Connect Custom CCP is done by the UI.

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