Invalid environment type: Codebuild curated windows container



Creating/Updating AWS CodeBuild project using WINDOWS_CONTAINER works well until yesterday via CLI but It's not working anymore from today with this exception.

An error occurred (InvalidInputException) when calling the UpdateProject operation: Invalid environment type

Original command was (nothing has changed from yesterday)

aws codebuild update-project --cli-input-json {"name": "build_test_naoko", "description": "build test naoko", "source": {"type": "GITHUB", "location": "...", "gitCloneDepth": 0, "buildspec": "buildspec.yml", "auth": {"type": "OAUTH", "resource": "..."}, "insecureSsl": true, "sourceIdentifier": "master"}, "artifacts": {"encryptionDisabled": true, "location": "hbsmith-codebuild-artifacts-us-east-1-20190423", "overrideArtifactName": true, "packaging": "ZIP", "path": "naoko", "type": "S3"}, "cache": {"type": "NO_CACHE"}, "environment": {"type": "WINDOWS_CONTAINER", "image": "aws/codebuild/windows-base:1.0", "computeType": "BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE", "environmentVariables": []}, "serviceRole": "arn:aws:iam::...:role/aws-codebuild-build-test-naoko-role", "timeoutInMinutes": 90, "badgeEnabled": true, "secondaryArtifacts": [{"artifactIdentifier": "lastest", "encryptionDisabled": true, "location": "hbsmith-codebuild-artifacts-us-east-1-20190423", "overrideArtifactName": true, "packaging": "ZIP", "path": "naoko", "type": "S3"}]}

I updated CLI with latest version but problem still occurs. CodeBuild document still cites it supports aws/codebuild/windows-base:1.0.
What cause the problem? Is it my fault or CodeBuild's fault?

asked 5 years ago735 views
4 Answers


it happens the same to me. I was using boto3 to create a codebuild project with the following environment:

'environment': {
            'type': 'WINDOWS_CONTAINER',
            'computeType': 'BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM',
            'image': f"{REPOSITORY_URI}:{IMAGE_VERSION}",
            'imagePullCredentialsType': 'SERVICE_ROLE'

and the same error appears: An error occurred (InvalidInputException) when calling the CreateProject operation: Invalid environment type.

I tried to create a dummy codebuild project by using the aws console and the problem is the same when using 'type': 'WINDOWS_CONTAINER'. ( Invalid environment type ).

For Linux type codebuild projects it works correctly.

answered 5 years ago

I'm seeing the same thing, tried multiple accounts and via Console and Cloudformation. I contacted @AWSsupport on twitter, they dont seem too interested at the moment.

answered 5 years ago

Amazon have fixed this!

answered 5 years ago

I found everything works fine now :)

answered 5 years ago

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