Facing issue in RDS MySQL Upgrade from 5.7.42 to 8


I have created a RDS MySQL with 5.7.41 and upgraded it to 5.7.42 using the 'Upgrade Now' Button. Then tried 'Blue-Green Deployment' to upgrade to MySQL 8.0.

Even though database is empty, deployment was failed with status as 'Invalid Configuration'.

asked a year ago1324 views
1 Answer

Hi Anil,

There are a few incompatibilities when upgrading from MySQL 5.7.x up to MySQL 8.0. Here is a list of prechecks you can do that may require you to do some preparation on your database. When you start an upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to 9.0, Amazon RDS automatically runs prechecks to detect these incompatibilities. If it detected one, it would give you the error you are receiving. If you are receiving an error due to prechecks, you will need to fix the issue before an upgrade will proceed. RDS provides a detailed log for you to find out which checks are failing in the PrePatchCompatibility.log file.

If the database is empty of data, do you have any specific configuration on the database that would require you to do an upgrade? If not, you may want to consider launching a RDS instance with MySQL 8 to avoid worrying about incompatibilities. I have included some links that will help below.

Thank you.


profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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