How do I access the secrets from the AWS App Sync Resolver?


How do I access the secret manager in the MutationCreatePaymentDetailsDataResolverFn template ( VTL Language ) from the AWS App Sync Resolver?

I want to get some value from secrets. and I also want those values to be added to the response of the resolver.

I have attached my default resolver structure screenshots and also attached the resolver code screenshot.

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Enter image description here

My resolver code was,

## [Start] Create Request template. **
#set( $args = $util.defaultIfNull($ctx.stash.transformedArgs, $ctx.args) )
## Set the default values to put request **
#set( $mergedValues = $util.defaultIfNull($ctx.stash.defaultValues, {}) )
## copy the values from input **
$util.qr($mergedValues.putAll($util.defaultIfNull($args.input, {})))
## set the typename **
$util.qr($mergedValues.put("__typename", "PaymentDetails"))
#set( $PutObject = {
  "version": "2018-05-29",
  "operation": "PutItem",
  "attributeValues":   $util.dynamodb.toMapValues($mergedValues),
  "condition": $condition
} )
#if( $args.condition )
## Begin - key condition **
#if( $ctx.stash.metadata.modelObjectKey )
  #set( $keyConditionExpr = {} )
  #set( $keyConditionExprNames = {} )
  #foreach( $entry in $ctx.stash.metadata.modelObjectKey.entrySet() )
    $util.qr($keyConditionExpr.put("keyCondition$velocityCount", {
  "attributeExists": false
    $util.qr($keyConditionExprNames.put("#keyCondition$velocityCount", "$entry.key"))
  "id": {
      "attributeExists": false
## End - key condition **
## Start condition block **
#if( $ctx.stash.conditions && $ctx.stash.conditions.size() != 0 )
  #set( $mergedConditions = {
  "and": $ctx.stash.conditions
} )
  #set( $Conditions = $util.parseJson($util.transform.toDynamoDBConditionExpression($mergedConditions)) )
  #if( $Conditions.expressionValues && $Conditions.expressionValues.size() == 0 )
    #set( $Conditions = {
  "expression": $Conditions.expression,
  "expressionNames": $Conditions.expressionNames
} )
  ## End condition block **
#if( $Conditions )
  #if( $keyConditionExprNames )
  $util.qr($PutObject.put("condition", $Conditions))
#if( $ctx.stash.metadata.modelObjectKey )
  $util.qr($PutObject.put("key", $ctx.stash.metadata.modelObjectKey))
  #set( $Key = {
  "id":   $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDB($
} )
  $util.qr($PutObject.put("key", $Key))
## [End] Create Request template. **
1 Answer
  • I have using Amplify application. your provided method is working but when i using amplify push command for using local changes that time resolver automatically change as an default.(manual changes are automatically overwrite as an default)

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