How to Consistently Reference /opt in SageMaker Studio Notebooks and Pipelines?


I'm trying to sync how SageMaker Studio Notebooks and Pipelines interact with the /opt/ml/model directory. In Pipelines, you can tweak the instance volume size, but not in Studio Notebooks. However, Notebooks have the benefit of using EFS, which essentially gives you unlimited space.

  1. Would creating a symlink in the notebook like this make sense: ln -s /opt/ml/input /home/sagemaker-user/input?

  2. Or should I rethink my approach?

  • Could you elaborate a bit more on what you want to achieve?

1 Answer

The /opt/ml/ directory is automatically available in the training container. It has no connection with the VM on which your notebook is running. Please add more context as to what you are trying to do.

answered 10 months ago

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