Missing files for Shell BD?



I'm trying to integrate the Shell into an existing project, which already makes heavy use of scripts to build the design. So I thought it might be easier to only pick the relevant pieces from the AWS TCL scripts and integrate them into my project.

Everything worked fine so far, until I reached this error during implementation phase:

Memory Core Error - [system_i/host/f1_inst/inst/gen_mem.sh_ddr_0/ddr_cores.DDR4_2] Either port(s) c0_sys_clk_p, c0_sys_clk_n is/are not placed or un-supported clocking    
structure/circuit for memory ip instance. Please refer to clocking section of PG150 for supported clocking structures.                                                                        
ERROR: [Mig 66-99] Memory Core Error - [system_i/host/f1_inst/inst/gen_mem.sh_ddr_0/ddr_cores.DDR4_2] Port(s) S_SH_m_d_clk_dn[0],S_SH_m_d_clk_dp[0],S_SH_m_d_ma[0],S_SH_m_d_ma[1], [...]  is/are not placed. Assign all ports to valid sites.

I searched where the sys_clk and other ports are created and found - nothing. Are those files missing from the HDK?

Are end users not supposed to synthesize/implement the Shell on their own? Is there any way or are we confied to use the provided SH_CL_BB_routed.dcp?

asked 5 years ago322 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

The F1 shell must be used. Please review the interface doc and let us know if you have any further questions:

answered 5 years ago

Thanks, I understand I have to use the Shell. My question is whether the missing files for the Shell blockdesign can be provided, so I can build my design with CL + Shell without/outside the FaaS flow.

Currently it seems there are some files missing for the Shell block design, e.g. the sys_clocks are not created when I synthesize/implement my design.

And that's because some ports don't exist in the Shell BD provided by AWS, for example:

get_ports "*sys_clk*"
WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched '*sys_clk*'.

If you need more information on why I need to this I can contact you via PM.

answered 5 years ago

The shell/CL interface is defined by this interface:

We will need more details on the issue you are seeing.

Just to confirm, "I can build my design with CL + Shell without/outside the FaaS flow" means you are not using our developer kit scripts?

Please send me a PM if you prefer.

answered 5 years ago

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