ssh operation timed out when use MyIP on port 22


Hello! I m doing a SSH connection from my computer to an Amazon EC2 instance. When I configure with ssh protocol, port range 22 to it works fine. However when I configure the security group with ssh protocol, port range 22 with select MyIP to permit the Inbound connection from my IP address. and run this command : ssh -i <your_pem_key> <username>@<ip-address>

I got this "ssh: connect to host X.XX.XX.XXX port 22: Operation timed out"

1 Answer

Is MyIP set to the wrong security group?
Please visit the following site to check your IP address.

Other items to check are that the EC2 IP address has not changed.

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answered a year ago
  • I checked both and all set-up correctly. every EC2 connected with its security group. is that related to ACLs ? once I replaced MyIP to it works.

  • If you have also changed the network ACL settings, please allow it with your IP in the inbound rules.
    For outbound rules, set the port range to "1024-65535" and set the IP address to your IP and enter the allow setting, or set the allow setting to and you should be able to communicate.

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