Access AWS EC2 Instance ubuntu by ssh losted.


I'm new in aws, I've in my aws account an ubuntu by my instance created, I was intalling some package in my instance for use of my project, until yesterday I had ssh connection with my instance but today I lost my connection, I don't have any error message or other thing to explain this case, what I must to do to solve this? Thanks and best regards.

asked 2 months ago100 views
5 Answers


Have you tried restarting the EC2 instance?
Please note that when you stop and start EC2, the public IP address will change unless you have set an Elastic IP address.

Also, isn't the CPU usage rate high?
In other words, I think it is necessary to check whether the load on the EC2 instance is so high that SSH is not possible.
You can check CPU usage from CloudWatch metrics.

Just to be sure, make sure that SSH is allowed in the inbound rules of the EC2 security group.
Also, although some configuration is required, try connecting with Systems Manager Session Manager.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
Accepted Answer

Trying to solve my problem I deleted my ec2 instance and recreate again, after created the instance I initiated the installation of the packages first Java package, this installation was allright, the second package was mysql-server apparently is ok but after to allow port 3306 to remote access the problem return again, my instance is defined with ubuntu linux.

answered 2 months ago

Hi, after reboot my EC2 Instance the problem still the same.

answered 2 months ago

Hi Riku, yes I tried many times, stop and start, reboot with the same problem.

answered 2 months ago

Hi, I solved my problem! Solution: 1 - delete my EC2 instance 2 - recreate my EC2 instance 3 - install ufw 4 - allows port/tcp necessary Thanks.

answered 2 months ago

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