Does SQS, SNS and AWS lambda support mTLS natively ?


Hi, I am trying to connect to SQS, SNS, and AWS Lambda services and looking option to connect to them natively over mTLS authentication and wondering if this is possible. Any information in this direction will be helpful. Thank you Sahil Anand

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

None of these services support MTLS. You need to have AN IAM Role to call these services.

What you can do is used a REST API in API Gateway, which does support mTLS, and integrate it with these services. It has direct integration with all of them.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Thank you for the reply and will adapt the solution that you recommended here.

  • Now do you have support of MTLS for SNS? I am using Twilio to send sms to my end user. as of now they have provided their rest end point which we call to send message and they send sms to end user. I want to integrate now with SNS. I want to know does SNS provide any rest end point which we can use or it only provide SDK? in my company it is mandatory to US MTLS for authentication to call to any third party? do you support MTLS for bidirectional communication . suppose if we use your SDK can we customize it to use mtls. by default it uses tls. also if we consume your rest end point will you support MTLS? we will share our certificate when proper integration will happen?

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