Clip stiching limits



Is it possible to raise the number of allowed inputs to the job? I get the following error when creating a job with lots of inputs:

'inputs' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must have length less than or equal to 200

I need to handle more than 200 inputs and while I could do that in multiple passes, it would be a lot more convenient to do it with a single job.

asked 3 years ago261 views
2 Answers

Replying to myself. According to AWS support this is a hard limit.

I received an answer from Elastic Transcoder (ETS) service team, and they said that ETS has a hard limit of 200 inputs for a single job. However, I'll create a feature request about it to AWS Elastic Transcoder Team, I wouldn't be able to provide an ETA regarding when them will decide to implement this. All the latest announcements can be found here: .

answered 3 years ago

I am also dealing with this 200 inputs hard limit and would like to have it removed or at least much bigger.

answered a year ago

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