Exam Revoked After PASSING , AGAIN PSI !!!!!!


Today, I encountered the same problem as user AWS-User-5010890 by taking photo at the end after I saw the passed score since I was too delighted. I raised the ticket to both AWS and PSI, waiting their response. Who knows the outcome ?

AWS-User-5010890 previous thread, but no news in this 3 months. :-( https://repost.aws/questions/QUCV5L0SLUSFWBSGTi413jEg/exam-revoked-after-passing-bad-experience-with-psi-online-aws-solution-architect-associate-exam

asked 2 years ago1138 views
3 Answers

Using a phone at any point during the exam (even after you have completed the exam content) is against testing rules. Our Security team will review the violation information provided by PSI and make a final decision on your result. Please allow up to 5 business days for your result to be available in your AWS Certification portal.

answered 2 years ago

Thanks first. Please also ask your security team to review the last dialogue from the Proctor that he should mention that the test was completed and he is going to close the session. I also think that the exam was ended after the result was shown up. Please help to pass my message to your security team. Many Thanks.

answered 2 years ago

hello, may i ask have you heard anything back from them? I am having the same issue.

answered 2 years ago

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