IoT Fleetwise campaign deployment


Hello AWS people I installed IoT Fleetwise edge agent on my device and approved the campaign. However, there is nothing connected to the vehicle, and the campaign deployment status of the vehicle appears to be <READY>. What kind of logs can I check?

Thank you always.

asked a year ago221 views
3 Answers

Hi there! Once the vehicle model and a time-based or event campaign are created, the campaign will be delivered to the FleetWise Edge agent (FWE). If you have followed the steps for installing FWE as a service, journalctl can be used to review the log files (search this page for an example journalctl command).

If you need additional information, the config.json file for FWE can be modified to increase logging level from error to trace by changing the systemWideLogLevel parameter. This is documented on the same page linked above.

Once you have confirmed connectivity and a campaign is in progress you will see log entries on operations FWE is performing. Let us know if this is helpful, or provide additional details and clarifications to help resolve your issue.

answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Do I have to run again after I modify the config.json file?

  • If I want to see all the logs, can I write in the json file as follows? "systemWideLogLevel": "Trace", "Info", "Warning", "Error"


To check the deployment status of the vehicle, you can look at the logs from the edge agent on the device.

  • Review the logs from the edge agent service running on the device. This should show information about connecting to AWS IoT Core and any errors encountered during deployment.
  • Run the AWS IoT describe-job-execution command to get details of the deployment job for that vehicle. Check the status and any error messages under statusDetails and deployment-failure-cause
aws iot describe-job-execution --job-id iotJobId --thing-name vehicleThingName
  • Verify the campaign configuration and that the vehicle meets requirements like having the necessary sensors and software version. A mismatch here could cause deployment to fail.
  • Check for any network issues that may prevent the edge agent from reaching AWS IoT Core and receiving the deployment.
  • Reviewing the edge agent and job execution logs is usually enough to identify what step in the deployment failed and next steps to resolve it.
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answered a year ago

As already mentioned in previous answers, you can check logs on the device using: sudo journalctl -fu fwe@0 command. I want to add a possible reason your Campaign may still be in READY state is a mismatch between your signal catalog and decoder manifest.

answered 6 months ago

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