Error occuring in aws console when attempting to delete Pinpoint SMS registration and release toll free number.


Conflict Occurred - Reason="RESOURCE_DELETION_NOT_ALLOWED" ResourceType="registration" Conflict Occurred - Reason="DISASSOCIATE_REGISTRATION_NOT_ALLOWED" ResourceType="registration"

Was experimenting with SMS messages from AWS for a pet project and now that I am done, I want to scale down the resources I was using. However, when I try to delete the Pinpoint SMS registration or release the toll free number, I get the above errors. Any thoughts on how I can resolve these errors so I can remove these resources? I am using a free tier account.

asked 9 months ago457 views
2 Answers

Please open a case with AWS Support.

answered 9 months ago

As per CLI Documentation

  1. Use the delete-registration-attachment AWS CLI command to disassociate any phone numbers, sender IDs, or other resources attached to the registration:
aws pinpoint-sms-voice-v2 delete-registration-attachment --registration-id <registrationId> --resource-arn <resourceArn>
  1. Check if the phone number or sender ID is still in use by other registrations and disassociate it from those as well.

  2. Once all associated resources are removed, delete the registration itself using the delete-registration command:

aws pinpoint-sms-voice-v2 delete-registration --registration-id <registrationId>
  1. Similarly, for toll-free numbers, check if they are associated with any other resources like registrations, pools, etc., and disassociate them before attempting to release the number.
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answered 5 months ago

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