Which Engine Version to select


I'm struggling to find a clear answer to a question I have relating to engine versions.

The default version for 5.7 appears to be as follows:
Aurora (MySQL)-5.7.12

However, all the other versions (and the release notes) follow a different pattern, e.g.:
Aurora (MySQL 5.7) 2.07.1

Is it the case that the first (and default) version covers all the other versions, and is just updated automatically, or is it a predecessor to these newer versions?

TL;DR: If someone wants the latest engine, which version should they use, the specific 2.x versions or the 5.7?

Edited by: taijuten on Mar 12, 2020 5:40 AM

asked 5 years ago411 views
1 Answer

Hi taijuten,

I understand that you would like to know what if Aurora (MySQL)-5.7.12 is a predecessor to the newer versions or if it updates automatically to the latest version.

Please note that the Aurora (MySQL)-5.7.12 default version will be assigned to an older version of Aurora MySQL engine. As of now, it points to 2.02.5, but after few months, it can point to a different version, like 2.04.1.

Q: If someone wants the latest engine, which version should they use, the specific 2.x versions or the 5.7?

If you want to use the latest version, then it is recommended to use the specific 2.x version of Aurora MySQL, rather than selecting Aurora (MySQL)-5.7.12.

I hope this helps.

Thank you


answered 5 years ago

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