Best-Practice for Reverse DNS (on non-octet boundaries)


Target setup:

  • We have a /12 CIDR range assigned to AWS, e.g.
  • All other ranges from belong to on-premise
  • That means we have IP range for AWS on non-octet boundaries
  • We need to setup Reverse DNS and conditional forward, so that both, AWS and On-Prem, can do Reverse DNS lookups inside each location and cross location
  • I am not taking about Reverse DNS for Elastic IPs, but for all servers / resources in AWS (e.g. for Kerberos and others)
  • We followed guidance from this fantastic re:invent video:


  • The number of FORWARD Rules seems to be A LOT when using a /12 for AWS
  • OPTION A: Having a PHZ for works for the, BUT that would require me to set up 16 PHZ for reverse DNS + a FORWARD Rule for to On-Prem
  • OPTION B: Having a PHZ for works for whole AWS environment, BUT that would require me to set up 240 FORWARD rules to On-PREM
  • Any guidance on this? only applies to <256 addresses


  • Looking for any Best-Practice reg. FORWARD Rules / PHZ, official documentation on AWS that I found is rather thin. Any hints for this setup / further read / any guidance? Thanks a lot in advance!
asked 14 days ago297 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

You can still just create a rule for and forward to on prem still. You only need the one rule for which will cover any PTR zone in the /8.

Your on prem DNS Servers will still correctly respond..

Would that be an issue for you?

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answered 12 days ago
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reviewed 9 days ago
  • Hi Gary, that would would for On-Prem servers. For Reverse DNS INSIDE AWS I would need 16 PHZ then, correct? 1), 2), 3) etc. That would be Option A of my description. Is this best practice? Then for each A record in AWS I would need to find the right PHZ to implement the PTR record.

  • Im pretty sure a single rule would work.. In route 53 create a rule just for and forward to on prem

  • You mean to say best practice would be Option A of my initial description? That means: 1 FORWARD Rule to On-Prem, AND 16 Private Hosted Zones to allow Reverse DNS inside AWS environment (

  • Im saying 1 rule and 1 PHZ for You dont need to have a different PHZ for every subnet your creating. You have all your PTR records in the one as its a CLASS A

  • Hi Gary, You are describing OPTION B of my initial post then. Indeed this is the way we have implemented the setup right now. Challenge with OPTION B is that we need to have 240 * FORWARD rules due to our setup. Context: You can only delegate on octet borders. Having a /12 for our AWS environment means we need to implement a FORWARD rule for all /16 in the 10. range (=240* /16), except for our /12 (=16* /16). Thanks for sharing your view!

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