EMR serverless spark jobs connection with postgresql


Hi, I want to run a job on EMR serverless which reads and writes data from postgresql. I downloaded the jar file and pushed it to s3 and set "spark.jars" in Spark properties in management console. However the job is still failing.

Thank you, Muthu

  • More details are needed including what the error message is when the job fails. That said, if you are connecting to postgres, make sure your Serverless application is created in a VPC and that the security groups have access to the database. Reachability analyzer can be used to debug network connectivity issues.

  • Hi Muthu,

    Can you please share what error you are getting and snippet of your code if possible to see how you are trying to connect?

asked a year ago1333 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Thank you all for taking your time to reply, I solved the issue by following Dacort's comment and setting up my Serverless application inside a VPC whose security groups have access to the database. This is my code snippet

sample_data = spark.read.format("jdbc").options(






I was getting this error :

Caused by: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: connect timed out : org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The connection attempt failed.
answered a year ago

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