WorkMail: unable to receive email


I can't receive email through my workman but I'm able to send

2 Answers


Can you share the information about your email recieving usecase ?

Are you recieving emails via SES to workmail ? If yes, please ensure that you have the correct MX record for inbound region like :


Additionally, ensure that SES inbound MX records takes precedence or have high priority over other MX records. Kindly note that the lower preference number is the higher priority and two MX records with the same priority will share the incoming emails workload.

You might want to also share your Domain that you are using for SES email recieving. If you are not using SES for recieving emails but directly via workmail. Please kindly check on :

Thank you !

answered 2 years ago

Check your -Email filters -Storage limit for your mailbox -DNS settings

If you try these to no avail, i'd recommend the support team

answered 2 years ago

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