how to contact billing support


How does one contact the billing support team? I am being charged for this service, which I do not use. Whenever I contact AWS to resolve it, I am repeatedly told to contact the billing support team, but no information is provided as to how to contact the team.

asked a year ago1417 views
1 Answer

Here are the general steps to contact AWS Billing Support:

  1. Open the AWS Support Center page. You can do this by clicking on "Support" in the navigation bar at the top of the screen, then selecting "Support Center".

  2. Click on "Create case". This option is usually on the right side of the Support Center page.

  3. Select the type of case. In this case, you would select "Billing".

  4. Fill in the case details. This will usually include your AWS account number, a brief description of the issue, and other relevant details. Make sure to include as much information as you can to help the Support team resolve your issue.

  5. Submit the case. AWS Support will get back to you by email, phone, or through the AWS Support Center, depending on the contact method you selected.

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answered a year ago
  • @Ivan Casco, this is very helpful and much appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.

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