AWS Athena - Cross Account access - Engine version 2 deprecate on August 6, 2023 in EU-WEST-1 region


Hi, I have 2 aws accounts as below. Both the accounts are in the region eu-west-1. I need to do Athena Cross Account queries with right catalog permission settings.

Account 1 (producer account) - Glue database and tables (ICEBERG table with input format, output format and SerDe lib) present, Tables are created via glue jobs and AWS glue CLI. Data is stored as parquet format in S3 bucket.

Account 2 (consumer account) - New data source with AWS S3 Glue catalog from Account 1 is created. Athena has engine version 2 - cross account querying works good.

I tried to use Athena engine version 3 in Account 2 after seeing the deprecation message for engine version 2 but the cross account access for ICEBERG table is not working. Error below: "Cannot query ICEBERG table"

I see the notification that, Athena engine version 2 will be deprecated on August 6, 2023 in EU-WEST-1 region.

How can I access the ICEBERG tables with Parquet SerDe lib, input and output formats using cross account access on Athena engine version 3?

asked a year ago118 views
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