Delete Cloud Shell Home directory


Hi there, I received a message today about having to delete my cloudshell home directory. I am not even sure what that is and just worried that it may delete some of my backed up data that is on S3 and Glacier. I don't use cloudshell, cause I don't know what it is. Does anyone know the answer. Is deleting my home directory in cloudshell going to delete my data on S3and Glacier? Thanks tony

asked 3 years ago2.1K views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Did you receive the message from AWS? Please ensure first that the message is genuinely from AWS.

If it is from AWS, then it could be because if you don't use Cloudshell, then as per this link - "Note that, if you stop using AWS CloudShell in an AWS Region, persistent storage is automatically deleted at the end of the retention period unless you launch AWS CloudShell again in the Region."

As per the FAQ -, CloudShell environments will preserve files stored in your home directory ($HOME) for up to 120 days from the last time you initiated a CloudShell session.

Deleting your Cloudshell home directory is not going to delete your data in S3 and Glacier.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 3 years ago
  • Hello. Would it be possible for your to confirm or deny that Deleting my Cloudshell home directory won't have any affect on the work that my coworkers are doing under the same organization? Thank you so much in advance. (For reference, my coworkers are not using any functions or layers or any other AWS tools that I have developed with or without using AWS Cloudshell).


Thanks for your reply. Yes the email was from AWS as I contacted them about it and they told me to go to the forums and her i am. I don't use Cloudshell as I don't know what to do with it. We just have backups going from NAS to S3 and then that goes to Glacier after certain time. Thanks for confirming that deleting the cloudshell home directory wont delete any data in S3 and Glacier

answered 3 years ago

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