Possible to adjust command status refresh rate? `aws s3 cp` returns too much data.


Whenever I use the aws s3 cp command, it sends back too much data in the form of constantly updating the transfer rate. When I'm connected to a remote host, via ssh for example, and running this command, it generate over 100 kiB/s at times. Sorry but that's ridiculous to me. We don't need the transfer speed updated every millisecond. Is there a way to adjust this refresh rate so it's updated whenever we want? once/second or once/10 s., etc.? Thanks

asked 2 years ago197 views
1 Answer

It's not possible to change the refresh rate. But you can use a few options to reduce the information that is displayed from that command, or also run in silent mode. See the flags --quiet, --only-show-errors and --no-progress in the documentation here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/s3/cp.html

answered 2 years ago

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