Is there a way to link authentication from Workspaces client to Windows?


Looking to make it easier for end users to use Workspaces. Signing into the client should also authenticate Windows sign in as well. Anyone know a method?

asked a year ago331 views
1 Answer

Hello Gcode,

If I understood your question correctly, you are asking if authentication on Workspaces client should also login the user automatically on the Windows Workspace (OS authentication). If yes, that's the default behavior. Once you authenticate on Workspaces client, you do not need to authenticate again on the OS. If it's not working as expected, please check the documentation and make sure the GPOs mentioned in the documentation in Warning are not impacting the functionality and experience. If the documentation does not help, please open a support case with AWS Support.

If this is not the information you are looking for, please clarify your question so that we can provide more accurate answer.

answered a year ago

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