EC2 -SQL Server Slowness


We recently migrated our on prem SQL server 2008 R2(8 CPU 16 GB RAM) to EC2 (r5.4xlarge - 16 CPU 128 GB RAM) 2019. The server is very slow, all the queries are slow. We can see CX_PACKET wait being more and PAGELACTCH_SH.

CE is set to LEGACY and Compatibility set to 2008.

Please advice.

asked 21 days ago131 views
3 Answers

@riku - No we don't have any difference. the settings are identical.

answered 21 days ago


What is the CPU usage rate and memory usage rate of EC2?
I think the database may use a large amount of memory depending on the processing.
Is it possible that that is slowing down the queries?

I think the following blog will be helpful for tuning.

Also, what type of EBS are you using?
If you are using gp2, try using a volume type with high iops performance such as gp3 or io2 to see if the query speed improves.

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answered 21 days ago
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reviewed 13 days ago
  • Are there any differences in parameters between SQL Server on-premises and EC2?


Hi Thanks for your response. CPU is below 20% and Memory i have allocated to SQL Server 100 GB. We run on GP3 4k IOPS and 1k Throughput. Im testing the server with one query at a time. The query completes faster in the onprem version but its slow in EC2.

answered 21 days ago

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