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AWS network firewall or its endpoints can be disabled?


Hi all

I'm in the middle of testing AWS network firewall. Looking at the pricing page it has quite expensive hourly charge. Since I'm in the test phase, I don't need it 24/7. Even though I use IaC to create the fw, deleting/creating as needed is quite cumbersome. Can I disable AWS network firewall or its endpoints to save cost, not deleting it?


asked a month ago61 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hello, AWS Network Firewall charges depend on the Endpoints and the amount of traffic that is processed by the Firewall as specified in AWS doc Its not possible to disable the Network Firewall endpoint and therefore you'd still be charged for Firewall Endpoint even if no traffic is processed by it. To avoid any Firewall charges, You would have to delete it. IaC is indeed a good way to deleting/creating resources depending on your usage. Or you can limit the number of endpoints you deploy for testing to reduce the charges i.e. Single AZ as compared to multi-AZ for test environment.

answered a month ago

Even when the service is disabled, you may still incur charges for some resources associated with it. To ensure you do not incur any charges, deleting the resources is the only certain way.

answered a month ago

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