Accessing Gallery of an iPhone for Test Videos in Appium via AWS: Is It Possible?


Hi everyone, I'm working on automated tests in Python using Appium in an iOS environment, utilizing aniPhone. I'm aware that through Appium, it's possible to record videos during test execution, and AWS offers options for video recording as well. However, I have a specific need: I I'm trying to retrieve videos from the iPhone's gallery during automated test execution on the device and save them to a bucket. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to achieve this goal?

asked a year ago308 views
2 Answers

This can be achieve by using a combination of different tools and techniques. Here's a suggested approach If you're using AWS for test execution, you can leverage AWS Device Farm, which provides real iOS devices for testing. You can upload your test scripts and test videos to Device Farm, execute tests on real devices, and retrieve test artifacts like videos from the test runs.

You can also write a custom script that runs after the test execution completes to upload the recorded videos to an AWS S3 bucket. This script can use AWS SDKs or command-line tools like AWS CLI to upload files to S3. Keep in mind the limitations and security considerations when accessing user data like photos or videos on a device during automated testing.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Thank you very much for your response and for providing suggestions on how to proceed. However, I would appreciate further clarification on how I can retrieve videos directly from the gallery of an iOS device during test execution.

    Could you kindly provide more details on how I can access the gallery of the iOS device and retrieve the videos? For example, are there specific APIs I can use or libraries that could assist me in this process?

    Additionally, I would be extremely grateful if you could share a practical example or a code snippet that illustrates how I can implement video retrieval from the iOS device gallery using AWS Device Farm or by writing a custom script.

    I really appreciate your help and willingness to offer suggestions. I'm trying to tackle this challenge, and any further clarification or example would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks again for your kindness and cooperation.

  • KIndly find the steps


To access the gallery of an iOS device and retrieve videos during automated test execution using Appium, you can follow these general steps:

Use Appium for Device Interaction: Appium allows you to automate interactions with the iOS device, including tapping on UI elements, navigating through the app, and capturing screenshots or videos. You can use Appium's WebDriver protocol to send commands to the device.

Identify Gallery App Element: You need to identify the UI elements of the gallery app on the iOS device. This may include elements such as buttons to navigate to the videos section, thumbnails of videos, or any other relevant UI components.

Capture Screenshots or Videos: Once you have navigated to the videos section of the gallery app, you can use Appium to capture screenshots or record videos of the screen. Appium provides commands for capturing screenshots (driver.save_screenshot()) and recording videos (driver.start_recording_screen()).

Save Videos to a Bucket: After capturing the videos, you can save them to a bucket in AWS. You can use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to interact with AWS services programmatically. Use Boto3 to upload the captured videos to an S3 bucket.

Here's a simplified example of how you might accomplish this using Python and Appium

from appium import webdriver
import boto3

# Initialize Appium driver
desired_caps = {
    'platformName': 'iOS',
    'deviceName': 'YourDeviceName',
    'app': 'YourAppPath',
    # Add other desired capabilities as needed
driver = webdriver.Remote('http://localhost:4723/wd/hub', desired_caps)

# Navigate to the gallery app and identify UI elements
# Add code to navigate to the videos section of the gallery app

# Capture videos using Appium
# Add code to start recording screen

# Add code to interact with the gallery app and navigate to videos

# Stop recording screen
video_path = driver.stop_recording_screen()

# Save videos to S3 bucket
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
bucket_name = 'your-bucket-name'
video_key = 'videos/video1.mp4'  # Specify the key/path for the video in the bucket
s3.upload_file(video_path, bucket_name, video_key)

# Quit the driver

Make sure to replace 'YourDeviceName', 'YourAppPath', 'your-bucket-name', and other placeholders with the appropriate values for your environment. Additionally, you may need to adjust the code to match the specific UI elements and navigation flow of your gallery app

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answered a year ago
  • Thank you very much for the response, I expressed myself poorly: I don't need to record the video that is played in the gallery, but I need to perform a kind of driver.pull_file() of the video stored in the iPhone's gallery. In other words, I would need to be able to extract the video saved in the iPhone's gallery (without using the recording offered by Appium with driver.start_recording_screen()), so that I can manipulate it and/or send it to the bucket. I apologize again for the misunderstanding, I hope I have been clearer. Thank you very much!

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