I can not connect my Lightsail instance by ssh from my terminal ?


I can connect it by lightsail instance web ssh but can not connect it by my local terminal.I use the instance to run v2ray. In the same time. I can not connect the v2ray service in the instance. The v2ray service status is running ok in instance. I did not do any thing in these days. Its go well like more than half a year. Last month's bill is paid fail for many times, i dont know if its the reason. Now the bill is paid success, but the problem is still exists. If need more information, i will try my best to provide.

1 Answer

Based on the information you've provided, there could be several reasons why you're unable to connect to your Lightsail instance via SSH from your local terminal, despite being able to connect through the web-based SSH client. Here are some potential causes and steps to troubleshoot:

  1. SSH Key Issues: Ensure that you're using the correct private key that corresponds to the public key on your Lightsail instance. If you're using the default key pair, you may need to download it again from the Lightsail console.

  2. Permissions: Check that the permissions on your private key file are correct. The file should be readable and writable only by you. You can change the permissions using the command: chmod 600 your-key-file.pem

  3. Firewall or Security Group Settings: It's possible that the instance's firewall or security group settings have changed, blocking incoming SSH connections. Verify that port 22 (for SSH) is open in your instance's firewall settings.

  4. Instance State: Confirm that your instance is in a running state and that it hasn't been stopped or restarted, which could have caused it to obtain a new public IP address.

  5. Network Issues: There might be network connectivity issues between your local machine and the Lightsail instance. Try pinging the instance's public IP address to check connectivity.

  6. Billing Issues: While your recent billing issue shouldn't directly affect SSH connectivity if the instance is still running, it's worth checking if any services were interrupted or if the instance was temporarily suspended.

To troubleshoot:

  1. Verify your instance's public IP address in the Lightsail console.
  2. Double-check the SSH command you're using, ensuring it includes the correct username, IP address, and key file path.
  3. Try connecting with verbose output (ssh -v) to get more detailed information about the connection attempt.

As for the V2Ray service, if it's running on the instance but you can't connect to it, this could be due to similar issues such as firewall settings or network connectivity problems. Check that the necessary ports for V2Ray are open and that your client configuration matches the server settings.

If you continue to experience issues, you may need to contact Amazon Lightsail support for further assistance, especially if you suspect any account or billing-related problems might be affecting your instance's connectivity.

Connect to Lightsail Linux or Unix instances with the SSH command - Amazon Lightsail
Connect to Linux or Unix instances on Lightsail - Amazon Lightsail
Set up SSH keys for Lightsail - Amazon Lightsail
Manage SSH key pairs and connect to your Lightsail instances - Amazon Lightsail

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answered 2 months ago
reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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