I would like to recover an instance that I accidentally shut down.


umm.....umm.....umm.....umm..... Is there any way?

asked 10 months ago277 views
2 Answers

Yes, it's possible to recover an instance that has been accidentally** shut down **in Amazon Web Services (AWS). When you shut down an instance, it is stopped, but its data is retained, and you can restart it later. Here's how you can recover the instance:

Access the AWS Management Console: Log in to your AWS Management Console using your credentials.

Navigate to EC2 Dashboard: Go to the EC2 Dashboard, where you'll find a list of all your instances.

Locate the Stopped Instance: Find the instance that you accidentally shut down. It will be listed in the "Instances" section.

Select the Instance: Click on the checkbox next to the instance to select it.

Start the Instance: Once the instance is selected, click on the "Actions" button above the list of instances. From the dropdown menu, choose "Instance State" and then click on "Start".

Confirm Start: A confirmation dialog will appear asking you to confirm that you want to start the instance. Click "Yes, Start" to proceed.

Wait for Startup: The instance will now start up. It may take a few minutes for the instance to become available.

Verify Status: Once the instance is running, you can verify its status by checking the "Instance State" column in the EC2 Dashboard. It should show as "running".

That's it! Your instance should now be recovered and running as it was before you shut it down accidentally. You can now access the instance as usual and resume any work or services running on it.

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answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago


Have you shut down or deleted the instance?

In the second case, as described on the following Knowledge Center page, it is not possible to recover either the original Amazon EC2 instance or any volumes that were deleted.

By default the EBS volume is deleted on the EC2 termination process unless you activate the termination protection.

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answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

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