Distributed Streaming Video Architecture


I'm planning a Greengrass group, and struggling to grasp the best way to stream video data to the AWS cloud.

My group will likely have one stationary "core" thing, that will be high-powered and have a robust internet connection. I will then have many other non-core things, mobile in nature, video-enabled, but with sporadic or no internet.

In my head, it seems logical that my non-core things could stream video to the "core" thing over the local network, and then my "core" thing would handle interfacing with KVS to get my video to the cloud. What I can't figure out is how exactly this would be implemented. MQTT does not seem like an appropriate protocol for video streams. Am I thinking about this from a completely wrong angle?

asked 4 years ago277 views
1 Answer

Hi rgrnr609,

thanks for using Greengrass. You are right that MQTT is not an ideal streaming protocol. There are various options to consume video from Kinesis Video Streams. Please refer to KVS documentations for details.
Alternatively, I found there are some examples implementing KVS to stream videos from greengrass like in https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-greengrass-lambda-functions/tree/3c5518a020fa6230c0be1349885d144986feafd5/functions/CDDKVSJava You might find it useful.

Thank you,

answered 4 years ago

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