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Can I safely delete my load balancer without affecting anything on my server and sites?


Hi, I am a newbie and I followed some online tutorials to host the following on AWS:

  • A static site hosted on S3 using Route53
  • A dynamic Mautic website installation using EC2 instance that uses features like SES.
  • I have also installed SSL certificates using Cloudfront and Certificate manager.

Somewhere in the tutorials they asked to create load balancer and I have created one load balancer with 2 availability zones. One for HTTP:80 and one for HTTPS:443. The HTTPS one has SSL certificate assigned.

Now my question is, if I delete the load balancer, will my sites continue to work properly along with HTTP and HTTPS with SSL without any errors? Or are things tied together and they will break if I remove the load balancer.

My site has almost no traffic, probably a handful of hits per day and the load balancer billing is not what I was expecting it to be for a site thats just there for now.

asked 9 months ago403 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


Now my question is, if I delete the load balancer, will my sites continue to work properly along with HTTP and HTTPS with SSL without any errors? Or are things tied together and they will break if I remove the load balancer.

If you are accessing EC2 via ALB, your site may become unusable if you delete ALB.

You must ensure that the load balancer is not in use before deleting it.
For example, if you check the load balancer's target group and EC2 is not linked, it is not being used.
You can check the target group used by ALB from the listener screen.

In addition, if you access the load balancer's DNS name using HTTP from your browser and the website is not displayed, it may not be in use.
Also, I think it would be a good idea to check if the ALB domain is set by searching for the domain's hosted zone.

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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago
  • If EC2 or anything else is not set in the target group, I don't think it's being used, so I don't think there's any problem with deleting it.

  • Thanks a lot Riku. Based on the feedback, I am thinking of deleting the load balancer, but before I do that, just wanted to confirm some additional details.

    • Network mapping tab shows 2 mapping zones with Subnet and IPV4 addresses. Will that be an issue?
    • A security group ID also exists

    So if all this and the additional screen shots I had posted seems like I am not using the load balancer, than I would like to delete it. Just making sure nothing will break :D

  • Network mapping tab shows 2 mapping zones with Subnet and IPV4 addresses. Will that be an issue?

    There is no problem in deleting the ALB since EC2 does not exist on the target.

    A security group ID also exists

    Resources other than ALB will not disappear.


The target group looks like this: For both HTTP and HTTPS: HTTP and HTTPS Target group

and the loadbalancer screen looks like this: Load balancer

If I try to access the loadbalancer DNS that ends with "" then I get a "This site can’t be reached" page.

Lastly, Not sure how do I check if ALB domain is set in hosted zone? What should I look out for?

answered 9 months ago
  • You have no targets in the target group. Therefore as Riku said it’s not in use.

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