How to Check and Configure Update Policies for AWS Auto Scaling Groups?


Hello AWS Community,

I have been working on automating the provisioning and maintenance of AWS Service Catalog products using Azure DevOps pipelines. The pipeline is scheduled to run every 7 days to ensure our agents are always updated to the latest version. The EC2 instances are part of an Auto Scaling Group (ASG), and I need to understand how the update process affects these instances.

I have reviewed the ASG details in the EC2 Management Console, but I couldn't find explicit settings for update policies. Any guidance on where to look and how to configure these settings would be greatly appreciated.

It seems I cannot find these details on either the ASG page or the Launch Template page

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

asked 6 months ago350 views
1 Answer

Is this the UpdatePolicy you're referring to?:

If so, its not an ASG setting, it only applies to CFN (CloudFormation) based updates, and will trigger when a change is made during the stack update which means the instances are no longer current (ie, a new Launch Template version)

If your goal is to replace all instances when the pipeline triggers, then you can have the last step in the pipeline be to trigger an Instance Refresh

If you want to make sure all instances are periodically cycled out, you can instead use a Max Instance Lifetime

answered 6 months ago

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