L3 Troubleshooting Workshop- Fatal errors when transforming project scope


When i launch the transformation of the project scope I have two files (COACTUP, COACTVW) that have fatal errors. The errors are : 'Error during BMS processing (expected parameter not found: TYPE) ' and ' MODE should be INOUT ' Enter image description here but the files do have parameter TYPE and parameter MODE is equal to INOUT. Has anyone encountered this issue ? How can I fix it ?

asked 2 days ago12 views
1 Answer

The issue you're experiencing with fatal errors during the transformation of COACTUP and COACTVW files in the L3 Troubleshooting Workshop is likely related to file encoding or parsing problems. Even though you've confirmed that the files contain the correct parameters (TYPE and MODE set to INOUT), the transformation engine seems to be having trouble reading these values correctly.

To resolve this issue, you can try the following approach:

  1. Add a new Metadata section in the Transform step of your workflow.

  2. Configure this Metadata section with these details:

    • Type: File
    • Name: */
    • Properties: Select the 'encoding' property
    • Order: Move this to the last position
    • Update the property value to 'UTF-8' (Make sure to include the hyphen; 'UTF8' without the hyphen will not work)

This solution addresses potential file encoding issues that can cause the transformation engine to misread or fail to recognize certain parameters in your files. By explicitly setting the encoding to UTF-8 for all files, you ensure that the engine can properly parse the content, including the TYPE parameter and MODE settings.

If this doesn't resolve the issue, you may need to review the exact content of the COACTUP and COACTVW files to ensure there are no hidden characters or formatting issues that could be interfering with the parsing process. Additionally, double-check that you're using the correct version of the transformation engine as recommended for the L3 Workshop you're working on.
AWS Blu Age Level 3 Self-Paced Troubleshooting Workshop - Codebase transformation - Transform Error | AWS re:Post

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answered 2 days ago
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reviewed 2 days ago

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