Linking CloudWatch RUM App to CloudWatch Canary


On the CloudWatch RUM App page, in the lower right there is a card/block that states "Tag your canaries with this app monitor's name to associate them. " But the docs don't show what tag to add to the canary. For instance, do we tag the Canary, Name="<App>", Value="" ? or is there a specific tag name to use and the app name is in the value ?

  • I have this question too. Did you resolve this?

  • Hi, you can integrate your CloudWatch Synthetics canaries with RUM by adding the following tag tag with the key to the canary. tag: App Monitor Name, Value: associated-rum

  • @rePost-user-surbd, Can you please clarify? This tag should be added to the Canary, right? And the value is the name of the RUM, or something else like an ARN? I tried adding a tag called "App Monitor Name" to my Canary, with the name of the associated RUM, and that did nothing.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

FYI anyone that was tracking this question.

I confirmed that tagging the Canary with the RUM Application Name does work.

Add the tag name that matches the RUM Application Name, with an empty value.

For example :

RUM Application name is "App1-Monitor"

Add a tag to the Canary with tag name "App1-Monitor" with a value "" (empty string)

JSON example [ { "TagName" : "App1-Monitor", "TagValue" : "" } ]

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answered a year ago
  • Could you elaborate? What's the actual tag name? Is it 'name' or 'App Monitor Name'? For me, neither works.

  • Tobias, the tag name is the same as the RUM name. In the answer above, the RUM name is "App1-Monitor", so to link this to a Canary, add a Canary tag with the tag name "App1-Monitor". The value can be blank.

  • Thank you so much for clarifying this! Now it works like a charm! 🎉

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