Gamelift C# sdk 5.1.2 initSDK errors when trying to create a fleet in Amazon Linux 2023 using On Demand Ec2 c5.large instances


So i keep getting this annoying error saying "SERVER_PROCESS_CRASHED -- The server process exited without calling ProcessEnding(). Check your game session log to see why ProcessEnding() was not called." first then after "SERVER_PROCESS_SDK_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT -- The server process did not call InitSDK() within the time expected. Check your game session log to see why InitSDK() was not called in time." which keeps spamming in my event logs...

I pretty much did everything this user posted on and more... but i'm still having the same issue.

I tested locally on Anywhere Fleet and it successfully connected. However on the managed ec2 instances, I get the same error. I made sure to remove the server parameters on initSDK() before I tried creating the fleet. Also made sure my target frameworks were set to ".Net 6.0" and cpu architecture to "x64" on the sdk.dll build before I imported to my project and set my project target framework the same. I even tested on "arm64" build with a graviton 2 instance (c6g.large) and still get the same error... I cant remote access to the fleet with ssm because the fleet wouldn't go active.

With my project build im using visual studio 2022 and created the server executable using dotnet publish to linux-x64 architecture... and yes when i tested with arm64 which i used linux-arm64.

Is this a bug on the C# server SDK 5.1.2? or am i missing a step? This entire thing has been a huge headache and any help would be appreciated.


asked a month ago377 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

So This worked...

By setting the InvariantGlobalization to true the fleet was able to go from ACTIVATING to ACTIVE and i was able to finally ssm into my fleet.

Refer to this website on how to implement it

answered a month ago

Hey Mike, this is not a known bug on the c# server SDK 5.1.2 - could you cut a ticket to us so we can prioritize investigating this for you? And please include the fleet logs/events and the Launch path. And if you can provide the build code too this will give us more info to figure out whats wrong.

answered a month ago
  • Hi, How do i "cut a ticket" to u guys? the fleet logs/events are as described in the original post. Right after fleet is shown "FLEET_STATE_ACTIVATING" and then the error starts. The build code is a copy from the README File without the parameters InitSDK() and the Launch Path is just "/local/game/<MyGameServerHere>" If that helps.

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