I want to access a program on my local machine from AWS


Basically, I want Amazon Connect to send messages to a local machine running a script. The script will process the messages and send back a reply to Amazon Connect. I do not want to move my script on the cloud because I already have the computing infrastructure required and don't want to waste them.

I understand that you can connect from a local machine to AWS services after configuring access keys and boto3 and whatnot, but that only helps with sending messages to AWS. I also want AWS to send messages to my local machine.

If it helps, assume that I am using a Python script on Windows with a public static IP address

asked 3 months ago172 views
1 Answer

Amazon Connect does not have the built-in capabilities to directly send messages to a local machine. Amazon Connect is designed to interact with AWS services like Lambda, API Gateway, and other AWS services. In order for messages to be sent from Connect to a local machine, you would need a solution where Amazon Connect communicates with an AWS service and then that service forwards the message to your local machine.

There are a couple of different ways to approach this. You would start in Amazon Connect and create a contact flow that uses an AWS Lambda function or an HTTP request via API Gateway.

Depending on which method you choose, create an API Gateway endpoint or a Lambda function that forwards requests to your local machine. Do whatever setup is required to set up a local server if you have not already, ensure that your local machine can accept HTTP requests and that your firewall allows incoming connections on your specified port.

Either of these setups allow you to leverage your existing local infrastructure while integrating with Amazon Connect.

In Amazon Connect, configure the contact flow to invoke the Lambda function or make the HTTP request to the API gateway method.

Amazon Connect Administrator Guide

AWS Lambda Developer Guide

Invoke AWS Lambda Functions from Amazon Connect

API Gateway Developer Guide

Setting Up HTTP Integrations in API Gateway

answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

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