Amazon Connect - Claiming mobile number in Australia..



I am currently in need of mobile number from Amazon connect for my business requirements. currently there is no number available to claim, hence I have raised the request with the support agent. Unfortunately, I have received the information that Amazon connect doesn't support mobile number but nothing further to it. Is it possible to shed some light on the reason and also if there is any way we could have the number by porting or any other way? Thank you so much!

asked 4 months ago525 views
1 Answer

This answer to a previous question, from an AWS-badged employee, states that Australian mobile numbers can be ported into Amazon Connect

See this page for the supporting documentation required

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answered 4 months ago
  • Hello Steve,

    Thank you so much for replying to my query. When I raised the concern with the support team, I received the below response. Would you please be able to let me know if there is any way to receive the number?

    ****Unfortunately, Amazon Connect does not support mobile numbers in Australia currently. This is for both provisioning (claiming) and porting.

    If the service is not listed in the region requirements [1], or price list [2] below, it is not available. You may also see the country coverage guide [3].

    [1] [2] [3] ***

  • Hi Kanika, I don't work for AWS so I can't push this for you. That answer I linked came from somebody who does work for AWS, and was reviewed & approved by somebody else who works for AWS, which I thought was encouraging from your point of view.

    The PDF that Amazon Support linked you to in item 3 states:

    Porting Available:- Indicates that we are able to port numbers for this country. By default this is limited to DIDs (Geographic, National and in a small number of countries Mobile numbers)

    But the document doesn't go on to tell you which countries are in-scope of porting mobile numbers :-(

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