Been denied production access for transactional emails and have no idea what else to do?



I have been trying to get production access for AWS Simple Email Service but have been denied without any clue why? I intend on using AWS SES to send transactional emails for myself and my clients, these consist of contact form notifications, password resets, and email confirmations/verifications.

We addressed all the issues I can think of such as handling bounce and complaint rates by utilizing AWS SNS to create a topic that sends an HTTPS request to our API to then add that email to the AWS SES Suppression list ensuring bounces or complaints never repeat. I even requested a low sending rate of 30 emails per day so that my business could build trust with Amazon, and went into detail about the type of SDK I am using which is Amazon.SimpleEmailV2 for our .net core web apps. I discussed how I will separate each client with different SMTP credentials to ensure data isolation and security. I mentioned we will be following all compliances and keeping up to date. Monitoring all bounces and complaints using CloudWatch.

With that being said what am I doing wrong? Do I need to give Amazon more time to see how I do in sandbox mode? Do I need to pay $100/m for top-tier support? Also, how do I reapply they make it seem as if I had one shot and I blew it.

Thank you for reading and if anyone could help me get through this it would be greatly appreciated.

asked 9 months ago896 views
1 Answer


Don't worry, getting denied production access for SES for transactional emails happens sometimes. Even it happened to me personally.

What you need to do Now ?

  • Reapply for production access[With Detailed information]. AWS usually doesn't consider the first denial your only shot.
  • Carefully review your previous application and see if there's room for improvement. Here are some points to consider:
  1. Clarity on Use Case: Emphasize that you're only using SES for legitimate transactional emails
  2. Permission-based Sending: Clearly state that you only send emails to users who have opted-in to receive them.
  3. Clear Unsubscribe: Include an unsubscribe option in all emails.
  4. Reputation Management: Reiterate your plan for handling bounces and complaints, including using SES suppression lists and monitoring with CloudWatch.


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answered 9 months ago
  • Hi thank you for the quick response, so even for transactional emails I have to put an unsubscribe button I had thought it was only for marketing?

  • You're absolutely right! Including an unsubscribe button in transactional emails is a best practice, even though it technically isn't mandatory for emails like receipts or password resets. CAN-SPAM Compliance: While unsubscribe links aren't strictly required for transactional emails under CAN-SPAM, including them shows good faith and helps avoid any potential issues.

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