Need to Verify Azure Domain that is Registered with Route 53


I need to Verify my Domain in Azure that is Registered with Route 53, the Azure Verifications keeps failing. I have tried both "TXT" and "MX" Records in the Route 53 DNS Hosted Zone and waited the 72 hours and the Verification continues to fail. Is there a Tutorial on this anywhere, am I creating my records wrong? Any and all help is much appreciated! Thank You!

asked 2 years ago1526 views
2 Answers

Try leaving the subdomain blank rather than including "@" symbol as confusingly specified by Microsoft. It worked for me.

answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks for the tip. Worked like a charm



I understand that you have the domain in Route 53 and you have created records in DNS but it's failing...!

Example to create MX records in AWS Route 53, Record Type MX 10

Example to Create TXT records: Sometimes the TXT records are too large you will get some Error CharacterStringTooLong You can solve this by the solution.

enclose each part in double quotation marks. For example, the value for "long_string" will be split into "long_""string".


How to Test the DNS are configured properly ?

  1. On Linux or macOS, use: dig <domain name> MX
  2. On Windows nslookup -type=MX <domain name>
  3. also you can use Google Dig website to check the records are propagated
profile picture
answered 2 years ago
  • i got the response i was looking for what would be the next step?

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