Redshift Serverless WLM rules for max query execution time does not update - bug or am I missing something?



WLM for Redshift Serverless does not seem to update its max_query_execution_time rule after a workgroup was created initially with a different rule.

The consequences from it are that new rules cannot be applied and WLM aborts queries that it should not be aborting according to the new rules.

More details follow below after the message. What am I missing or is this a bug? How can this be fixed without migrating to a new workgroup?


  • set up a workgroup with Query Monitoring Rules maximum query execution time 600s
  • update the rule to 2400s
  • wait more than 10 mins for the rule to propagate
  • run a query that stretches over 600s and get error below

Error messages:

  • cancelled by WLM abort action of Query Monitoring Rule "max_query_execution code: 1078
  • cancelled by WLM abort action of Query Monitoring Rule "max_query_execution query: 0 location: wlm_query_action.cpp:179 process: wlm


asked 2 years ago1.2K views
1 Answer

Update: changing the base capacity led to being able to run queries longer than 600s. So, most likely the max_query_execution_time rule redeployed with it.

Is this the expected behavior? Otherwise, it I would classify this as a bug in a basic functionality.

answered 2 years ago

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