AWS not responding within 144! hours on technical support ticket


Hi everyone, Has anyone had experience with AWS not responding technically (apart from asking for more info within the first 24hrs once) within several days for a technical case? Do you have suggestions on what to do in such a case as it is blocking me (+I think this is really nok)? In case the AWS team sees this question, the number of my case is XXXXXXXXX. Please help.

Edit: Removed Case ID — Ben G.

asked 2 years ago856 views
4 Answers
Accepted Answer

Thanks all. In the end my request was transferred/ excallated to , Daniel D., who did an amazing job and solved the case. Thanks!

answered 2 years ago

Which support plan do you use?
Developer support can take up to 3 days depending on the time you submit your question.
The following document is in Japanese but explains it.

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answered 2 years ago

Thanks for the reply!

  • plan: "developer".
  • Article: submissions ~1hr before the weekend starts can take up to Tuestday 11:00 for a reply.
  • My situation: submission wednesday 10:00, request for more info at 14:00 (great!) which I provided at 14:15. then for 3.5 working! days no technical response anymore (only once: im replicating the issue...) (bad!)

Do you have tips on how to handle these situations? As in my opinion this is really taking too long for a blocking issue on a payed support plan

thanks :)

answered 2 years ago

Technical investigations may take time.
I have waited 5 days in the past.

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answered 2 years ago

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