RDS Backtracking


I recently upgraded my Aurora serverless (v1) cluster to v2 having an engine version of 8.0.mysql_aurora.3.07.1. Why can't I enable backtracking at the moment? Is there any workaround without recreating a new cluster?

1 Answer


As stated in the document below, backtracking can only be enabled when creating a cluster or restoring from a snapshot, so I don't think it can be enabled on an existing cluster.
As of November 2024, the only way to enable backtracking on an existing cluster is to enable it when restoring from a snapshot or when creating a new cluster.

Backtracking is only available for DB clusters that were created with the Backtrack feature enabled. You can't modify a DB cluster to enable the Backtrack feature. You can enable the Backtrack feature when you create a new DB cluster or restore a snapshot of a DB cluster.

So, try creating a new cluster or enabling backtracking when restoring from a snapshot.

Currently, you can modify backtracking only for a DB cluster that has the Backtrack feature enabled. The Backtrack section doesn't appear for a DB cluster that was created with the Backtrack feature disabled or if the Backtrack feature has been disabled for the DB cluster.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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