Workspaces stuck on being launched for 24 hours


Your Workspaces are being launched WorkSpaces may take up to 20 minutes to become available. Instructions will be sent to the user on how to connect to their WorkSpace.

it's all I've seen for about 24 hours, first one created yesterday, created a second today to see if it would work and it also has been more than an hour.

neither had an encrypted disk.

not sure what i can do next

3 Answers
Accepted Answer

This can happen for several reasons, including but not limited to:

  1. Unable to reach the domain controllers of Active Directory. More common when using an AD Connector.
  2. WorkSpace is unable to join the domain. This is also more common with AD Connector. Can happen if the account doesn't have permissions to join the domain. Following the AD account delegation documentation usually helps
  3. Capacity issues on the availability zone where you are launching the WorkSpace.
  4. A software issue preventing the WorkSpace for reaching healthy status. This can happen when using custom images. If you are using a custom image, try launching the WorkSpace from one of the AWS supplied images.

To determine the exact reason behind your issue, I recommend opening a new support case, so the engineer can take a look at the WorkSpaces creation workflow and provide you with the next steps.

answered 3 years ago

That is not the intended behavior. I've seen retries due to intermittent Active Directory Domain Controller availability, and it taking up to a couple hours.

answered 3 years ago

CLI is describing the one from today but not the initial one, i think it's a domain issue. i'll raise a ticket

answered 3 years ago

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