Query about invoiced spend field in the CID


Team, I have attached a image of the CID we deployed.

The invoiced spend that shows there, is it the last months invoiced cost? or is it from the time we started using the CID?

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asked a year ago283 views
2 Answers

Short answer is that the visual Titled "Invoiced Spend" is the sum of unblended_cost field for 3 months. This is determined by the filter applied to the visual which is for Last 3 months. In order to investigate questions such as these in any of the CID dashboards, you can save your dashboard (read-only view of visuals) as an Analysis (editable version). In Analysis mode, all the tools are available to discover the fields, filters, calculations, and formatting of each visual. To save your dashboard as an Analysis, follow the customization instructions on the Well-Architected labs site here: https://wellarchitectedlabs.com/cost/200_labs/200_cloud_intelligence/customizations/

answered a year ago

If you deployed CID before the beginning of previous month you will see your invoice spend, however if you deployed CID hence enabled Cost and Usage Report during previous month you will have data only for the portion of the previous month since you've deployed it. You can also request backfill of your Cost and Usage report via support case to get historical data

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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