How do I get a purchase order number to reflect on my AWS invoice?


I have a purchase order set up, but the monthly invoice from AWS does not reflect it. I need the purchase order number to appear on the invoice.

How do I get the PO to show on the invoice?

asked 2 years ago730 views
3 Answers

Hello there,

Before you make a decision to add a Purchase Order in your Billing and Management Console, please go through this page to understand purchase order configurations based on your billing needs, SOR, Transaction types, etc.:

The above page has dedicated links for Adding, Editing, Deleting, Viewing, and other Purchase Order operations you can perform in the Billing console. For 'Adding a Purchase Order', please see:

Please make sure your account user have the appropriate IAM permissions or polices to add or modify purchase orders, refer to "AWS Billing actions policies" on this page:

I sincerely hope the above information was helpful.

If you are still facing issues please consider creating a Support Case from your Console using the information:


answered a year ago


I'm sorry to hear you've hit this roadblock. I was able to locate these instructions that explain how to add a Purchase Order to your invoice:

If it still doesn't appear after following those instructions I would suggest opening a billing case from the Console:

- Brian D.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

Thanks, I followed those steps previous and got the purchase order to show in the email subject line, but not the invoice itself. Have modified one small element so hopefully that works.

answered 2 years ago

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