Unable to deliver emails to outlook due to blocked SES IP


This is a shared SES IP from what I can tell

smtp; 550 5.7.1 Unfortunately, messages from [] weren't sent. Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block list (S3150). You can also refer your provider to http://mail.live.com/mail/troubleshooting.aspx#errors. [DB5PEPF00014B9B.eurprd02.prod.outlook.com 2024-05-31T10:44:38.718Z 08DC7F573E89B665]

Context: I am using the "Managed Dedicated IP" service but for some reason the managed system decides to send a portion of the emails via the blocked shared IP, despite it seeing bounces since yesterday.

asked 4 months ago251 views
2 Answers

Hello, To resolve the issue of emails being blocked by Outlook due to a blocked SES IP, you should contact AWS Support to investigate and potentially remove the IP from the blocklist. Additionally, consider requesting a dedicated IP for your SES account to avoid shared IP reputation issues in the future. https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/


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answered 4 months ago
reviewed 4 months ago
  • I am using the "Managed Dedicated IP" service but for some reason the managed system decides to send a portion of the emails via the blocked shared IP, despite it seeing bounces since yesterday.

    Insane that I should pay a 3%+ tax on my whole AWS bill just to report that the services I already pay a hefty price for aren't working.



The problem is that Amazon SES's IP address is blocked by Microsoft.
Therefore, even if you contact AWS Support, there is a high possibility that the issue will not be resolved.

Please sign in with your Microsoft account and request that your IP address be removed from the block list using the URL below.
Although it's not Amazon SES, I've used this method in the past to unblock IP addresses and be able to send emails to Outlook.

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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
  • Thank you, I've just done this in hope they will accept my request even if I'm not the owner of the IP.

    I think this should be the SES team responsibility since it's a shared IP, as well as removing it from the sending pool.

  • Just to be safe, I think you can open a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing" and inquire. In this case, the problem is on the AWS side, so I think you can open the case under "Account and billing". Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awssupport/latest/user/case-management.html
    If this does not resolve the issue, I think you will need to contact Microsoft support.

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