Secure AWS Lambda with ZScaler Certificate using Java


I want to secure AWS Lambda created using Java language for outbound calls to other services. need help to create on configuration to support Zscaler certificate through AWS Lambda Layer.

  • What are you trying to do? Are you trying to connect to services by sending traffic through Zscaler? Or is there some other outcome you are looking for?

  • Yes.. i am trying to connect to services by sending traffic through Zscaler to filter request/response as per zscaler certificate policy.

  • Ok - so what help do you require? A Lambda function is (basically) code that you supply; and by default can connect to just about anything on the internet. What challenge are you having connecting to ZScaler?

  • Yes.. i have 10 lambda's in which 2 lambda's interacts with third party service on the internet, that communication wants to make secure using ZScaler. My requirement is to configure ZScaler certificate to that particular 2 lambda's..? so that request will pass through ZScaler. Request to provide full configuration settings details.

  • Are there examples anywhere of code that does this already?

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