Versioning on Snowball Edge


Do we support versioning (like we do on S3) on Snowball Edge? If not, is it possible to upload multiple versions of the same files to Snowball Edge and then have it versioned on S3 once it's shipped back to AWS?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Snowball Edge does not have versioning implemented on it's S3 bucket. If you write an object with the same name, it will be overwritten. If multiple versions of the same file are needed to be imported with snowball edge, the versions will need to have different names as they are written to snowball edge.

Versioning in the s3 bucket that you use to import your data into will be supported with objects of the same name as they are imported into s3 from snowball, s3 import will use the most recent object as the latest IF versioning is enabled on the bucket.

answered 5 years ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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