Why am I not getting Amazon SES bounce notifications to the configured email, which is a Google Group?


I am not receiving emails from Amazon SES to my designated "feedback forwarding email address" when a bounce occurs. Well, not to the email address I want... I have two email addresses setup as Verified Identities, one is my personal work email account (myname@example.com), the other is a group email (mygroup@example.com), specifically a Google Group email address. This group email address can and does receive external emails.

When I my app sends an email with Return-Path set to my personal work email (myname@example.com), I get the appropriate bounce email notifications from MAILER-DAEMON@us-west-2.amazonses.com in my personal inbox. However, when the Return-Path is set to the email group address (mygroup@example.com), those bounce email notifications never make it into the group inbox. I have checked Google's "Pending" area where it quarantines questionable messages and I don't see any messages there. And to reiterate, my group email is definitely a Verified Identity. I've also verified that the "Email feedback forwarding" on both is set to Enabled.

Does anyone know what is wrong here, or what steps I can take to troubleshoot? I really can't have these bounce emails go to an individual's account, I need them to go to a shared inbox.

asked 2 years ago944 views
2 Answers

It seems that you are experiencing an issue with Amazon SES bounce notifications not being delivered to your designated email group address. While your personal work email (myname@example.com) receives the bounce notifications correctly, the group email address (mygroup@example.com) does not receive them. To troubleshoot this issue, here are a few steps you can take:

  1. Verify the email group setup: Double-check that the group email address (mygroup@example.com) is correctly set up as a Verified Identity in Amazon SES. Ensure that the "Email feedback forwarding" option is enabled for this address.
  2. Check spam filters and quarantined messages: Verify if the bounce notifications are being filtered as spam or quarantined by any spam filters or email security systems. Check the spam or quarantine folders of the group email account to see if the bounce notifications are being redirected there.
  3. Review Google Group settings: Ensure that the Google Group settings allow external emails and that there are no specific filters or rules set up that might be affecting the delivery of bounce notifications. You can review the settings and configurations of the Google Group to ensure that it is configured to receive external emails.
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answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks for your thorough answer, Vikahsh. I had, in fact, checked all of those things before posting. Today I contacted Google support on the topic, they did help me to see that there is a technical "problem" with the email headers being sent which is causing Google Groups to reject the email. So no problems with the settings I can change, the only things that could fix are 1) Google Groups to be more relaxed and let emails lacking "Sender" or "Return-Path" to be accepted (which isn't going to happen) or 2) Amazon SES changes the bounce email headers to include a "Sender" or "Return-Path".


I did some experiments and indeed the message from MAILER-DAEMON@amazonses.com contains weird Return-Path: <> header that perhaps is treated as invalid by Google Group. It is still accepted by regular gmail account but initially marked as a spam. I am not pretty sure but Auto-Submitted: auto-generated header is worth adding too.

answered a year ago

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